
The Grenoside Drama group has been in existence for around 70 years, in various locations, putting on plays once or twice each year. In 2010, a merger was completed with Birley Carr Players, who have a similar history

The combined group, called the Grenoside and Birley Carr Players, is now able to perform a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta in the Spring, and a play in Autumn

Our last operetta was The Gondoliers, one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular: the next will be The Yeomen of the Guard, which will be performed in March 2025. Our most recent play was Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: the next will be Allo Allo 2: The Camembert Incident, to be performed between October 16-19 2024. Tickets will be available soon

New members on-stage or off-stage are always welcome. For more information,  go to sites.google.com/site/grenosidebirleycarrplayers/